A Guide to Search Results for "Huntington Beach"

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The search term "Huntington Beach" is a somewhat equivocal reference to one of two geographic locations: Huntington Beach, California and/or Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina. The former locale is much more noteworthy and much more prominent on the World Wide Web, a seaside city in Orange County that was originally named "Pacific City," styling its name after the seaside city of Atlantic City, New Jersey. It was renamed Huntington Beach when a group of Los Angeles businessmen led by Henry E. Huntington connected the nascent city of Huntington Beach to the then expanding network of Red Cars on the Pacific Electric Railway. Since that time, Huntington Beach has become more or less synonomous with its nickname "Surf City."

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Are you looking for portals and Web directories covering "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for Web sites covering the law, government, and politics in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for newspapers in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for Web sites with information about the weather and environment in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for libraries, museums, and schools in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for Web sites in "Huntington Beach," California that cover entertainment and the arts?

  • ArtScene - Huntington Beach ArtCenter
    A community art center that presents the work of living artists working in all media, and addressing a wide range of concerns, in order to create a climate of experimentation, education, and expression.

  • Huntington Beach Concert Band
    A 70-piece musical group of professional and amateur musicians drawn from the larger Huntington Beach community.

Are you looking for information about athletic events in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for restaurants and bars in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for information about surfing in "Huntington Beach," California?

Are you looking for information about "Huntington Beach," South Carolina?

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