A Guide to Search Results for "Washington Sniper"
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The killing spree of the "Washington Sniper" began on October 2, 2002, and ended when police apprehended two suspects who were believed to be acting in concert. There was no discernable pattern among the victims, who included men, women, and children from various ethnic backgrounds, ranging in age from 13 to 72. However, the snipers appeared to be reacting to police and news reports, targeting a middle school student shortly after police told parents that it was safe to take their children to school and widening the geographic range of his shootings after it was reported that police were using geographic profilers in their attempts to find a suspect. As of Monday October 14, 2002, the snipers had killed eight victims and injured two others in and around Washington, D.C. The two suspects who were apprehended by police and believed to be responsible for these crimes were later implicated in many other murders throughout the United States.

    Sponsored Link:
    Barnes & Noble.com - 23 Days of Terror
    From veteran reporter Angie Cannon and the staff of U.S. News and World Report, the compelling story of the hunt and capture of the beltway snipers.

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