A Guide to Search Results for "Snakehead Fish"
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Virtually everyone who uses the search term "snakehead fish" is looking for information about the fish species channa striatus, commonly known as "northern snakehead". Northern snakehead are native to the Indo-Pacific area with twenty five other snakehead species found from the Amur across China, Indonesia, Burma, western India, Sri Lanka and into the tropical areas of Africa. The fish are considered a delicacy throughout Asia. However, snakehead fish first became newsworthy when Maryland state health officials found a colony of 99 northern snakehead fish living in a pond near the Little Patuxent River. The colony developed after a Maryland pet owner who owned two of the fish decided that he didn't want them anymore and dumped them. The presence of snakehead fish has the potential to cause ecological damage in waters where the species is not indigenous, but this threat is grossly disproportional to the sensationalized coverage that the species has received in the press, with news reports focusing on the fact that snakehead fish can walk on dry land and purportedly last for as long as three days out of water.

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