A Guide to Search Results for "San Bernardino"

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The search term "San Bernardino" is primarily a geographic reference to the city and county of San Bernardino, California, named after Bernardine of Sienna (1380-1444), the patron saint of advertising, communications, compulsive gambling, respiratory problems, Italy, and the Catholic diocese of San Bernardino, California. San Bernardino is also the name of the nearby San Bernardino Mountains and San Bernardino National Forest in California, the not-so-nearby San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise County, Arizona, and the faraway town of San Bernardino, Graubünden, in Switzerland.

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Are you looking for "San Bernardino," California portals and Web directories?

Are you looking for government Web sites in "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for information about libraries, schools, colleges, and universities in "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for Web sites covering travel and transportation to, in, or around "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for newspapers in "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for radio stations in "San Bernardino," California?

  • KVCR FM 91.9 & TV 24
    Community supported broadcasting for the Inland Empire, including the Desert Cities, Riverside, and San Bernardino.

  • X103-9
    Alternative rock station for the Inland Empire, KCXX FM.

Are you looking for genealogical Web sites covering "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for Web sites featuring churches in "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for secular organizations in "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for other Web sites covering "San Bernardino," California?

Are you looking for Web sites covering California's "San Bernardino" National Forest?

Are you looking for Web sites covering "San Bernardino," Switzerland?

Are you looking for Web sites covering the "San Bernardino" Wildlife Refuge in Cochise County, Arizona?

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