A Guide to Search Results for "Rebekah Revels"
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Former Miss North Carolina "Rebekah Revels" was cast into the national spotlight when she gave up her Miss North Carolina title, claiming that her former fiance Tosh Welch had attacked her character. Shortly thereafter, Revels revealed that Welch had sent an e-mail to Miss America Pageant officials telling them to ask Revels about two nude pictures. Revels then decided to sue pageant officials, seeking reinstatement as Miss North Carolina. After Revels proved in state court that she had been coerced into resigning by pageant officials, U.S District Judge James Fox decided to hear Revels' case for reinstatement. Nevertheless, after three days of testimony, Judge Fox ruled against Revels. Meanwhile, Revels competed in the Miss America Pageant side-by-side with Mysty Clymer, the first runner up to Revels in the Miss North Carolina Pageant who was eventually crowned Miss North Carolina.