A Guide to Search Results for "Pokemon"
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Virtually everyone who uses the search term "pokemon" is looking for Web sites with content featuring the Pokémon manga/anime series or one of the many products that the series has inspired, such as trading cards and video role playing games (RPGs).* Pokémon are imaginary monsters with special powers and abilities. In the imaginary world where Pokémon exist, kids can become Pokémon trainers and masters. Ash Ketchum is the young hero of the Pokémon series. To become a great Pokémon trainer, Ash must catch as many wild Pokémon as possible by challenging them to matches with his own Pokémon and capturing them in a PokéBall.

[* Manga are Japanese comic books, and anime is Japanese animation. RPGs are combat-oriented video games in which you play a character (or group of characters) in a story. Generally, the goal is to go certain places and perform required actions to advance the story, while fighting off enemies who are out to stop you. Your character grows in power from success in fighting, accumulating weapons and armor with different capabilities, and items with special abilities like relieving combat damage.]

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