A Guide to Search Results for "Greek Mythology"
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"Greek mythology" is a popular search term for academics. However, there is no academic consensus on what constitutes the canon of Greek mythology. Indeed, the term mythology seems to imply that such a subject deals with apocryphal historical accounts. Even so, the generally accepted religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks were embodied in Greek mythology, an anthropomorphic polytheism wherein the forces of nature were personified as deities. Greek mythology began as an oral tradition, but it reached its most definitive form in classical Greek literature where creative writers almost certainly took artistic license with the earlier oral traditions. Despite its dubious historical authenticity, this classical literature remains relevant to the modern world because it reflects the rationalism that characterized ancient Greek religious thought.

    Sponsored Link:

  • Greek Mythology
    A Web site devoted to early Greek mythology, featuring detailed, referenced information.

  • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
    A free illustrated encyclopedia of Greek Mythology.

  • Greek Mythology Link
    A comprehensive guide to Greek mythology by Carlos Parada including an extensive set of links to sites of Classical interest.

  • Mythweb
    A site dedicated to the heroes, gods, and monsters of Greek mythology.

  • Greek Mythology
    Information about the gods, goddesses, and myths of ancient Greece, featuring extensive homework help for students.

  • Greek Mythology
    An introduction to ancient Greek mythology which combines information from a number of sources and attempts to be a comprehensive reference work.

  • Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources
    A site designed to draw together the ancient texts and images available on the Web concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology.

  • Greek Mythology Today
    Information on the gods and myths of ancient Greece featuring student myth homework help.

  • Origin of the Species - Greek Mythology
    An encyclopedic treatment of Greek mythology.

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